[Video] How To Include Your Facebook Page in ‘Similar Page Suggestions’

3d blue connected people-largeHave you noticed that when you like a Page on Facebook you’re now given suggestions of similar Pages that you might like? This is a fairly new feature and one that Page owners must opt-in to in order to be included in the suggestions. The opt-in is super easy and this could help your Page get discovered by many users. Here’s a super quick video to show you how to ensure that your Page is included in these suggestions.


If you have any questions or need help with this (or any other aspect of social media), leave a comment or come on over to my Facebook Page and post it there. I’m here to help!

Carole Billingsley (@YouSeekSocial) is a social media consultant and trainer. Combining her social media expertise with her decades of experience in entertainment and education, Carole founded Seek Social Media in 2011. She is known for her ability to make technical and social media topics easy to understand for even the least tech-savvy business owner. Specialty areas: social media, customer experience, digital presence, crisis management.


  1. Phil Adams
    March 30, 2014

    How does FaceBook determine how to match a page with other pages that are like it?

    The page suggestions really brought a lot of likes to may page over the last few months, but in the last couple of days it’s acting like it’s turned off. Any ideas on this?

    • Carole
      April 1, 2014

      Hi Phil,
      It’s my understanding that the Similar Page Suggestions are based on the categories the Pages are listed under (and probably some other algorithm that I’m not privy to). It seems that, on my own Page and clients’ Pages, the likes that come from these suggestions go in cycles, meaning that we get several for a while then they slow down (or stop), then pick up again. Hang in there; hopefully you’ll see them pick back up again.


  2. Pia Vassallo
    October 1, 2014

    I manage a few FB pages for various clients. I don’t seem to have this feature in notifications. Could you advise me please? Thank you

    • Carole
      October 1, 2014

      Hi Pia,
      Looks like I need to update that video! You can now find this feature on your Pages by going to Settings > General > Similar Page Suggestions (10th from the top). If I’m not mistaken, the default setting is now to include Pages in the suggestions, but check it to be sure.

      Hope that helps!!

  3. Ben
    July 30, 2017

    Danke für die Info 🙂


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